Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Run R12 FAST formula from backend (TOAD) to debug

declare l_formula_id ff_formulas_f.formula_id%TYPE; l_effective_start_date ff_formulas_f.effective_start_date%TYPE; l_formula_name ff_formulas_f.formula_name %TYPE; l_inputs ff_exec.inputs_t; l_outputs ff_exec.outputs_t; begin insert into fnd_sessions values(userenv('SESSIONID'),sysdate); select ffm.formula_id,ffm.effective_start_date ,ffm.FORMULA_NAME into l_formula_id,l_effective_start_date ,l_formula_name from ff_formulas_f ffm where ffm.FORMULA_NAME='NP_HOUSING_ALLOWANCE_FF'; -- select * from ff_formulas_f where FORMULA_NAME='NP_HOUSING_ALLOWANCE_FF' dbms_output.put_line(' l_formula_name - l_formula_id - l_effective_start_date :=> '||l_formula_name||' - '||l_formula_id||' - ' ||to_char(l_effective_start_date,'DD-MON-YYYY')); ff_exec.init_formula (l_formula_id, l_effective_start_date, l_inputs, l_outputs ); -- -- Loop through the Input Values -- FOR i IN l_inputs.FIRST .. l_inputs.LAST LOOP if l_inputs(i).name='BUSINESS_GROUP_ID' then l_inputs(i).value := 81; end if; if l_inputs(i).name='ASSIGNMENT_ID' then l_inputs(i).value := 64; end if; if l_inputs(i).name='DATE_EARNED' then l_inputs(i).value :=fnd_date.date_to_canonical(trunc(to_date('31-DEC-2020'))); end if; if l_inputs(i).name='PAYROLL_ACTION_ID' then l_inputs(i).value := 166992; end if; /* if l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='BUSINESS_GROUP_ID' then l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID; end if; if l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='BUSINESS_GROUP_ID' then l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID; end if; */ -- -- Pass The each Input value name and its Value : Eg: START_DATE and p_start_date -- dbms_output.put_line('l_inputs-Name : ' ||l_inputs (i).NAME ); END LOOP; -- -- Run the formula -- ff_exec.run_formula (l_inputs , l_outputs ); FOR j IN l_outputs.FIRST .. l_outputs.LAST LOOP dbms_output.put_line('j-Name : ' ||l_outputs(j).NAME ); dbms_output.put_line('j-Value : ' ||l_outputs(j).VALUE ); END LOOP; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('MainException : ' ||SQLERRM); end;

Sunday, August 16, 2020

LOV Events in OAF

LOV Events in OAF There are some scenarios where we need to take some action on the basis of LOV, LOV fires three events: 1) lovUpdate : when user selects a value from lov. 2) lovValidate: when user enters a valid value in the lov input and tabs out then lov doesn't get pop-up. In this case lovValidate event is fired. 3) lovPrepare: when user clicks on torch icon: "lovPrepare" event is fired. //If we want to check which LOV has fired the event we can check it like this: {codecitation class="brush: java; gutter: true;" width="600px"} if (pageContext.isLovEvent()) { String lovInputSourceId = pageContext.getLovInputSourceId(); if ("myLovInput".equals(lovInputSourceId)) { am.invokeMethod("handleMyLovInputEvent"); } } // //Here is another sample code based on multiple LOV's {codecitation class="brush: java; gutter: true;" width="600px"} if (pageContext.isLovEvent()) { if ("Project".equals(lovInputSourceId)) { am.invokeMethod("clearChargeCode"); } if ("ChargeAccount".equals(lovInputSourceId)) { am.invokeMethod("clearTask"); } if ("Shipto".equals(lovInputSourceId)) { am.invokeMethod("clearAddress"); } }

Monday, August 10, 2020

Create Employee Salary Proposal record by hr_maintain_proposal_api.cre_or_upd_salary_proposal

DECLARE lb_inv_next_sal_date_warning BOOLEAN; lb_proposed_salary_warning BOOLEAN; lb_approved_warning BOOLEAN; lb_payroll_warning BOOLEAN; ln_pay_proposal_id NUMBER; ln_object_version_number NUMBER; BEGIN --2443(AN00004) -- Create or Upadte Employee Salary Proposal -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- hr_maintain_proposal_api.cre_or_upd_salary_proposal ( -- Input data elements -- ------------------------------ p_business_group_id => 81,--fnd_profile.value('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID'), p_assignment_id => 2443, p_change_date => trunc(TO_DATE('01-AUG-2020')), p_proposed_salary_n => 1800, p_approved => 'Y', -- Output data elements -- -------------------------------- p_pay_proposal_id => ln_pay_proposal_id, p_object_version_number => ln_object_version_number, p_inv_next_sal_date_warning => lb_inv_next_sal_date_warning, p_proposed_salary_warning => lb_proposed_salary_warning, p_approved_warning => lb_approved_warning, p_payroll_warning => lb_payroll_warning ); COMMIT; dbms_output.put_line('ln_pay_proposal_id -> '||ln_pay_proposal_id); dbms_output.put_line('ln_object_version_number -> '||ln_object_version_number); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; dbms_output.put_line(SQLERRM); END; /

AME Related Useful SQL Queries

/*GET AME Trx Type's Rules, conditions*/ select apl.APPLICATION_NAME Transaction_type, r.description Rule,r.rule_id,r.start_date,r.end_date ,condition Conditions from (select distinct rule_id, description,start_date,end_date from ame_rules where sysdate between start_date and end_date) r, (select distinct rule_id, LISTAGG (ame_utility_pkg.get_condition_description (acu.condition_id), chr(10)) WITHIN GROUP (order by acu.condition_id) OVER (partition by acu.rule_id) condition from ame_condition_usages acu) cu, ame_rule_usages aru, (select APPLICATION_NAME, application_id from ame_calling_apps_vl acav where application_name = 'Payables Invoice Approval' and rownum = 1) apl where r.rule_id = cu.rule_id --and r.rule_id = 20004 and aru.rule_id = r.rule_id and aru.item_id = apl.application_id order by r.description